Jusenkyo Police

Vital Statistics

Names: Jusenkyo Police
Age: ?
Eyes: Brown
Hair: ?
First Appearance (Anime): Once Upon a Time in Jusenkyo
First Appearance (Manga): None
Love Interest: None
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: None

Profile: The Jusenkyo Police are a group or council based in China, all dressed like the Jusenkyo Guide, but dedicated to a different purpose than tourism. Their purpose and mission is to keep those who possess Jusenkyo curses from getting out of line and taking advantage of their cursed forms.

It came to the Jusenkyo Police's attention that Ranma and his friends who were all Jusenkyo cursed were all violating some kind of code in the Jusenkyo Police's policy book. It was the Jusenkyo Police's decision to send one of their best warriors, Kinii, to retrieve all the offending individuals for trial.

Kinii managed to capture all of the Jusenkyo cursed individuals except Ranma, who was forced to go to a distant mountain fortress of the Police in Japan to save them all. It was only after a tough fight that Ranma managed to defeat the Police and Kinii and force them to drop the charges against him and his friends.

Personality: The Jusenkyo Police are all seemingly of one mind and body when it comes to upholding their decisions and policies. They are relentless and will go to any lengths to bring supposed criminals to justice.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez